Have you ever caught yourself staring in front of the mirror? Not to groom and get ready but to genuinely ask why the person you are staring at frequently acts in a way that defies logic or seems utterly bizarre.

If yes, then you may need a bit of knowledgeable self-reflection!
Knowledgeable self-reflection involves educating yourself about yourself, and then observing and assessing your cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes. It is like taking a deep dive into one’s being and consciously examining one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Similar to how a detective pieces together a set of clues, self-reflections allow you to examine your deepest personality traits, which will lead you to a more authentic you.
Self-awareness is the key! Studies show the networks in your brain buzzing with activity as you reflect on your experiences. These networks connect your emotions and memories, highlighting the profound link between self-awareness and emotional well-being.
But knowledgeable self-reflection isn’t just a brain party. Instead, it’s a powerful tool for learning from your past and to better your future.
By examining your successes, failures and challenges with an open mind, you can identify patterns and hidden strengths you might have missed. Maybe you realize your presentations always go swimmingly when you tell a funny anecdote, or perhaps you discover a recurring tendency to procrastinate on deadlines. Self-reflection is the unique ability that allows you to learn from both your victories and misses, paving the way for a future filled with improved outcomes.
Also, the more you understand yourself, the better you can understand others. You can build stronger, more meaningful connections by reflecting on your experiences and how your personality might affect them. Imagine reflecting on a recent argument with a friend and realizing how your own communication style might have contributed to the misunderstanding. Self-reflection equips you to manage your emotions and resolve conflicts with care and compassion. It allows you to emphasize actions that will lead to positive outcomes and help contribute to a better and more accurate self-awareness, leading to deeper bonds with the people you love.
Think of knowledgeable self-reflections as a mental excavation. You can unearth limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that might be holding you back. By recognizing these mental roadblocks, you can embrace challenges with a more open mind. This newfound awareness empowers you to reach your full potential and achieve goals you once thought were out of reach. You may have a fear of public speaking or face shyness while deciding on whether or not to initiate a conversation with a stranger. By understanding the root of the fear, you can begin to challenge your limitations and unlock your potential to be stronger and more successful.
Knowledgeable self-reflection is a journey of self-discovery, a road leading to a deeper understanding of yourself. It empowers you to build stronger relationships, overcome challenges, and live a life that aligns with your values.
If you want to dive deeper into the science of self-reflection and its impact on your life, check out Dr. John B. Evans’ book “Why You Do That.”
“Why You Do That” by John B. Evans, Ph.D., LCSW, is a remarkable book — a guide that will help you recognize and understand some of your basic personality traits. With prominent tips, strategies, expert guidance, real-time examples, and information, this book makes it clear that an accurate and comprehensive self-awareness is essential to a high level of self-control, the most important ingredient allowing you to choose who you will be in life.
In short, “Why You Do That” provides a roadmap to self-discovery, encouraging readers to understand their fundamental personality traits. It serves as a guide to the influences that shape our choices, making it a cornerstone in the journey toward creating the person you want to be.
Grab a copy of “Why You Do That” now: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CN52988M.
If you would like to have individual, couples, or family therapy with Dr. Evans, you may contact him via his website at Log Cabin Counseling: https://logcabincounseling.com.